The relationship between beauty and well-being cannot be emphasized enough. One day, during my college years, I was working at the Chanel counter with Yolande, an elegant French woman 25 years my senior who was both a nutritionist and makeup artist. I was bemoaning the constant eruption of acne on my face and how none of the oil-free lines on the department floor did me any good. "Drink more water and stop visiting the Sweet Factory on every break," she advised. "And you should incorporate parsley into your diet, it's wonderful for your blood and skin."
This was in 2001, pre-French Women Don't Get Fat, and Yolande, the wife of a doctor, was devising meal plans for his patients and giving cooking classes at Sur La Table on the side, teaching Americans how to eat with mindfulness and attention to ingredients. My encounters with her laid the groundwork for how I ate as an adult and the correlation between beauty and health were established.
Morning juice ingredients: kale and apples, courtesy of my garden. The lemon and blood oranges, sadly, from some place much more sunny.
On the other hand, I get a kick out of seeing what beauty products healthy food bloggers love. Here's a roundup of some of my favorites:
Well+Good catalogues the beauty obsessions of well-being pioneers.
Pressed Juicery's blog, The Chalkboard, often has helpful articles on subjects like traveling beauty tips and returning a glow back to winter skin
Deliciously Ella's sweet enthusiasm for coconut oil, as well as her clean beauty routines can be found here and here.
Oh She Glows is fantastic for a vegan sweet fix, but also has a recipe for lemon hand scrub and lists her beauty favorites here.
The legendary Nutrition Stripped shares wonderful DIY kitchen beauty recipes and a slew of favorite products and lines here.
My New Roots, a Canadian transplant in Denmark earning a degree in holistic nutrition, is a fan of a wildcrafted Canadian skin care line.